Saturday, March 20, 2010

Springtime sampler giveaway-- winner!

Today is the first day of spring, which means it's time to pick the winner of our springtime sampler giveaway!

Since it's nearly easter, I decided to draw the winner from our new easter basket.

Sassy volunteered to oversee the drawing.

And the sampler goes to...

Meghan! If you haven't been there already, you really need to check out Meghan's blog right this minute. Her work is beautiful, her writing is beautiful, and her photos are beautiful. Get over there!

Congrats on winning, Meghan! Happy spring, everybody!


  1. Might I suggest that Sassy start his own blog? I'm confident he has a lot to share!

  2. The hilarious thing is that I had the same thought yesterday! Perhaps our pets can establish some sort of Beacon Pet Blogging Collective. They could review local vets, discuss the treats from the Barkery, complain about the Dutchess County tick problem... I think we're onto something!

  3. hurrah! thanks for picking me, sassy. i'd invite you over for a dish of tuna, but unfortunately my dog daisy would be less than thrilled. have i mentioned how excited i am to have won?

  4. p.s. and you are too, too sweet about my blog. really.
