Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I have gotten feedback that my last spider photo startled some readers, so I'm going to make it up to you with a pretty rainbow picture:

Would you believe I snapped this with my cell phone on a speeding train? This was the scene outside my train window in Cold Spring, NY this evening.

Speaking of rainbows, have you seen the cool contest that the lovely folks over at Feeling Stitchy are doing right now, called Rainbow of Stitches? All you have to do is join the contest's Flickr group (do not get me started about how much I love Flickr!), add photos of your original embroidery work to the pool, and tag it with the name of the predominant color in your piece. Voila! You're in the contest. You can enter existing work, and there's no limit to how many pieces you can enter. I've added a few things that I stitched in the past, and I'm going to enter some of the things that I'm working on right now. There are some seriously gorgeous pieces in the pool already -- check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Your rainbow photo is amazing! Good luck with that contest, and loving that hilarious "killer" image up top!
