Monday, September 6, 2010

Pre-Wedding Craft Party!

Years ago when we lived in NYC, my friend Maureen would host craft night at her place in Williamsburg, and we girls would get together once a month with our stitching and our gluing and our take-out to get our craft on.

Last night, Maureen and her fiancĂ©e Laura hosted a craft night on steroids, wherein a bunch of their friends got together to make things that will decorate the venue where they're getting married this October. I'm not going to show too many photos of the decorations themselves, lest I take away from the final reveal on their big day. But here are a couple shots from the crafting and general merriment that we enjoyed last night:

This is Aine's phenomenal sewing machine, which stitched up a ridiculous number of pillows last evening. This thing is totally retro and totally diesel -- and it was totally free from a local guy who had it laying around in his garage. Score!

And here's Aine on her machine and Maureen wrestling her Husqvarna into submission.

A preliminary pillow pile.

Of course we had helpers. This is Rudy...

...and brother Henley.

Here's Maureen under the 39 finished pillows at the end of the night.

Aerial view of the pillow pile.

And the couple of honor, Maureen and Laura. 34 days to go, girls!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! And a fun wedding - 39 pillows!? Congrats to Maureen and Laura!
